13 properties in Facebook ads, every online protist should know

Facebook is an ever-changing channel, and it’s not always easy for busy marketers to keep up with every little change.

Apart from popular powerful marketing tools such as lookalike audiences, there are additional features on Facebook that are less common but can make a big difference in the right campaign.

Facebook tools:
In my opinion, Facebook has many great tools for advertisers who are “hidden in their feathers.”

A lot of these ads make advertising easier on Facebook, but you may not know many of them.

Let’s roll:

1. Third-Party Tag Integration:
Setting up a Facebook pixel user is followed by several steps, especially when it comes to shopping carts and tracking events.

In 2017, Facebook made this process much easier through the integration tool that can be found in Business Manager.

Advertisers who use Google Tag Manager, WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, or BigCommerce can perform Facebook Pixel without touching the code on their website. Click the link for each platform to see its instructions step by step.

Start by selecting Event Manager in the new Sidebar to navigate on Facebook.

Click View Setup Instructions to learn how to create your pixels.

Follow the steps to start using, then use the following tool below to check your app.

2. Pixel Helper:

Before you start any channel, it’s not only important to change your pixel settings but also to make sure it works properly.

Chrome extensions on Facebook allow advertisers to check this, explore their pixel errors, and learn how to improve performance before campaigns are launched.

See this list of error messages as soon as you download the tool.

3. Creative Hub:

Creative Hub is a typical advertising tool that allows users to test different types of ads, placements, and ad elements.

These models can be saved in life size for later reference.

Slides, videos, and interactive ads can also be viewed here.

This tool can be very useful when showing new ad types to customers.

You can find Creative Hub in the Facebook navigation sidebar by clicking the (dot) button and scrolling down to

(Advertise) > (Creative Hub)

4. Image Text Check Tool:

According to Facebook, images with less than 20% text work best.

Because of this belief, Facebook and Instagram images are automatically reviewed for the amount of text before they are eligible to work on platforms. (Unless the images are eligible for one of these exceptions.)

If there is large text in your image, it will be presented at a lower rate.

Creative Hub has the ability to solve many advertiser issues with “a lot of text in the picture.”

Upload photos in the Image Text Check tool to make sure it’s normal to post.

Stop wasting time refusing ads.

You can find this tool within Creative Hub under Tools > Image Text Check.

5. Facebook Analytics:

This tool provides additional insights into Facebook’s performance.

You can access this tool in the Business Manager navigation bar using the list and select Analytics in Analyze and Report.

Like Google Analytics and other tools, you can see user metrics, link metrics, page metrics, and user demographics.

You can create Funnels that includes a series of actions that you want to measure.

You can also create groups of users to track their behavior over time, create pivot tables (called “Breakdowns”) for ongoing data reporting, and create Dashboards and review Lifetime Value, among other features.

To start using Facebook Analytics, I recommend reviewing the Analytics blog.

6. Audience Insights:

This interactive audience tool provides additional details about your Facebook audience that you can’t collect from Facebook Analytics.

You can access this feature through the navigation menu and scroll down to Analyze and Report > Public Insights.

Build your ideal target audience and collect demographic information, page likes, Facebook usage data, and interests.

If you have additional information you want to provide about your audience, click Advanced Options.

Each of these sections has multiple options available for selection. Here’s a look at how to categorize the page categories that a Republican likes.

You can also see pages that are likely to be relevant to your audience based on their interests and how likely your audience is to like them (as opposed to the rest of Facebook pages).

7. Improving the Campaign Budget Optimization:

This feature was introduced in November 2017, which allows advertisers to balance their ad spending across ad groups.

By setting a single central campaign budget across multiple ad groups, Facebook can distribute the budget to better performing ad groups.

This option can be found when you create a new campaign and applies to daily budgets or age budgets.

8. Ad Scheduling:

Many advertisers prefer to restrict their budget by showing ads only at certain times of the day.

Currently, Facebook only allows advertisers to use ad scheduling when using a time budget.

When you create a new campaign, after you set a time budget, you’ll see the option to show ads all the time or show ads according to a schedule.

The remaining ad scheduling options must be set in each ad group.

Just now schedule your ads by clicking on the times you want to show ads.

9. Location Targeting:

The target location is set at the ad group level and has many additional options that I think are really useful.

Once you set the target location, you can select the radius targeting or targeting the city only.

You can select 4 additional settings to target the location:

Everyone on this site (Everyone in This Location):

It includes people whose site was recently this site.

2. People who live in this location:

Only people who have listed their homes as this site. This option is useful for choosing home-related companies or wherever you target homeowners only.

3. People recently on this site (People Recently in This Location):

These are the people who recently used Facebook on this site.

4. People are recently travelling on this site (People Recently Traveling in This Location):

This is for people who have recently used Facebook on this site, but his home has been identified more than 125 miles away.

Using Key West as an example, this targeting would be great for companies offering activities to tourists. It’s a great way to distinguish between residents and tourists if that’s something you need.

10. Connections:

If you have an app that uses events or wants to reach people connected to your Facebook page, this is a great feature for you.

You can target people who love your page, friends, people who love your page, or exclude people who love your pages.

You can also target people who have used your app, friends of people who have used your app, or excluded people who have used your app.

For events, you can target people who responded to this event or exclude people who have already responded, and you can create different groups of these options as well.

11. Frequency Cap:

If you’re looking for a way to limit your Ads’ Facebook views in brand awareness campaigns, this feature is what you need.

In the budget and ad group targeting schedule (when using the Awareness campaign), you’ll find the Show Advanced Options button. Once you click this, you’ll see frequency cover options.

The default setting is one appearance every 7 days, but you can make this window longer or shorter.

Although this is an estimate, it will let you know if your ads appear too often, which may have a direct impact on conversion rates.

12. Publisher Lists:

In 2018, Facebook released its own list of publishers with thousands of URLs in which your ads might appear across the audience network, live-stream videos and banner/interdion ads. Facebook recommends reviewing this list every 30 days for updates.

Once you review ads and select URLs that you don’t want your ads to appear on, you can add them to the block list.

You can access your blocklist, publisher list reports and publisher delivery in the brand safety section of the navigation menu.

See the Publisher Delivery report for a summary of each type of ad, where it appeared and how many impressions this position has received.

Because the data is only a summary of the last 30 days, this is something you want to review monthly.

Once you’ve selected the URLs and pages you want to exclude, save the URL column in your file. You can delete headers and the impression column.

A URL column is what you’ll need to tell Facebook what you want to exclude.

Go to the block list page and select the green “Create the block list” button. (Shown below)

Make sure your list is saved as a .txt or .csv file. Download it and click “Create the block list” to finish.

You can apply, remove, replace, download, or delete block lists using the three-point button next to each block list.

The list can be applied to multiple accounts if necessary.

13. Automated Rules:

Automatic rules can be lifesaver when it comes to activating, paused, and managing campaigns.

Although Facebook’s options are not as advanced as they may be on other channels, they are still useful.

Start by going to Auto Rules under Ad in the Navigation Menu.

Click the green “Create base” button in the upper right corner.

At the time of publication, you can only apply the rule to all active or paused campaigns, all active or paused ad groups, or all active or paused ads.

In the action field, you can set off, activate, send, adjust budgets, or adjust bids.

Tip: If you choose to play Ad Groups in the Action field, you’ll see the Rule App field that will change to pause the campaign, ad group, or ad.

There are countless sets of automatic rules that you can create. Instead of going through the complexities of these options, there are important things to know about automatic rules.

Additional options are:

  • You have the ability to expand budgets by target field. This means that you can update your “CPA” or other cost goals
  • Bids can be adjusted in the same way as budgets.
  • Repeat options every two weeks, weekly, daily and every hour.
  • You can add terms, such as “Cost per result greater than $50,” with a time range that can start from today to the age of the account.
  • You can also adjust the attribution window if you prefer a window that is different from what your account is currently using.
  • Rules can be run every 30 minutes, daily or according to a custom schedule.
  • You can also choose to get an email notification as well as your Facebook notification.
  • Additional subscribers can be added if there are others on the account who want to update these rules.

Automated rules are a great way to take advantage of some automation on Facebook without giving up too much control.

Facebook has many hidden tools and features that are often buried in the complex interface.

Using these features and tools, you can move your Facebook campaigns from good to great!


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